Boost your business by joining our suppliers directory for $249+GST. Our directory is a valuable resource for home and gardening buyers, including consumers, trade professionals, interior designers, and garden designers. By listing your business, you gain exposure to a targeted audience actively seeking products and services like yours.
Joining our directory is easy. Simply sign up on our website and create a detailed profile for your business. Include important information such as your company name, contact details, product offerings, and any special certifications or awards. Adding high-quality images and customer reviews can further enhance your profile and attract more attention.
As a member of our suppliers directory, your business will be prominently featured, making it easy for potential customers to find and contact you. Our directory is searchable by various criteria, including location, product type, and service offerings, ensuring your listing reaches the right audience.
In addition to the standard listing, we offer premium features to enhance your visibility and attract more leads. These include featured placements, highlighted listings, and priority in search results. Our team can help you choose the best options to maximise your exposure and generate more business.
Being part of our directory also provides networking opportunities with other suppliers and professionals in the home and gardening industry. Connect with peers, share insights, and explore potential collaborations to grow your business further.
Our directory is actively promoted through our website, social media channels, and newsletter, ensuring a steady flow of traffic and leads. We continuously invest in marketing to attract new visitors and maintain the directory as a trusted resource for buyers.
Investing in a listing in our suppliers directory is a cost-effective way to increase your visibility and reach a targeted audience. Join our directory today and start connecting with home and gardening buyers who are looking for products and services like yours.