These gorgeous anatomically correct dolls have Down Syndrome facial features. Available in both boys and girls, blonde or brunette, in a variety of nationalities.
These dolls are beautifully crafted in Spain and are without doubt the most life like dolls available. Beautifully dressed, and giving a life-like appearance, these dolls are such a beautiful way to teach inclusion to all children and also allow children with Down Syndrome to have a relatable doll to play with.
Each doll is 40cm , has different hair colour and comes dressed in the cutest outfits as pictured. Each doll has a gorgeous smile and softest skin.
Each doll can be dressed and undressed and has arms and legs that move.
Please note, the patterns of the clothes may vary.
Kids with Special Needs:At Lime Tree Kids, we are most passionate about giving kids with special needs the best quality of life and the best chance to succeed. We have a wide range of quality products for kids on the Autism spectrum, sensory processing issues, development issues and other challenges or disabilities. All of our special needs products are also loved and used by ‘typical' children and are a great addition to any home. So what are you waiting for, take a look at the full range of our wonderful products today: SHOP SPECIAL NEEDS