An essential reference for any workshop. 50 laminated pages of charts, tables and formulae in a handy 90x148mm pocket book. Contents includes Conversion Factors Drill Size and Decimal Equivalent Charts Tapping Drill Sizes for Thread Cutting Taps Tapping Drill Sizes for Thread Forming Taps Preferred Fits for Standard Engineering Components Preferred Limits and Fits (ISO 286) Hardness Comparison Chart Coordinates for Locating Equally Spaced Holes Standard Wire Gauges Standard Sheet Metal Gauges Sheetmetal Bending Sheetmetal Bending Allowances Morse Taper Shanks / Sockets / Sleeves M2 HSS Drill Surface Speeds, RPMs, Feeds & Thrusts Annular Cutter Surface Speeds and RPMs Cobalt Bi-Metal Hole Saw Speeds Tungsten Carbide Burr Speeds HSS Reamer Surface Speeds & Feeds Numerical Control (CNC Programming) Common Engineering Abbreviations Triangle Geometry Oblique and Right Angled