If you’re looking for a neat and tidy storage solution for your hose and watering accessories then look no further!
Hoselink’s Handy Hose Hanger is the perfect solution for you!
The Handy Hose Hanger is a practical and convenient unit that provides dual-purpose storage for your hose and watering accessories.
The Handy Hose Hanger is a fantastic way to store up to 35m of garden hose. Simply mount it to a wall, fence or post and it’s ready to go! To reduce the likelihood of your hose kinking and twisting, lay it around the Hanger in large loops when you’ve finished.
Your hose will not only be neatly out of the way, the storage compartment also hides away all of your smaller watering accessories when you’ve finished using them. To open the door, pull on the notch at the top of the compartment or pull the two notches on either side of the door and it pops open. Not only can your watering accessories be located with ease, they are also protected from the harsh Australian elements.
Please note: Hoselink hose and hose fittings are not included with this purchase.
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Handy Hose Hanger
hoses-hose-management, gardening-accessories-storage, home-storage, home, hoses, sale