Good old-fashioned whirly sprinkler action with adjustable spike base and telescopic post.
Both good for watering gardens or lawns AND fun for the kids to run around, the Whirly Spike Sprinkler would be a great addition to your watering toolbox.
The sprinkler height extends from 51cm to 86cm and the additional height will help achieve better reach over garden areas.
Best suited to mains water pressure – requires strong water pressure to operate effectively.
To use the sprinkler, simply press the sturdy steel spike into the ground and attach your Hoselink fitted hose.
Solidly constructed, with a brass head and steel ground spike, it comes with a Hoselink Accessory Connector (12mm) for a quick and easy connection to your Hoselink fitted hose.
no-burst-connectors-accessories-for-your-hose, irrigation, sale
Whirly Spike Sprinkler
no-burst-connectors-accessories-for-your-hose, irrigation, sale